
They know they're the problem, and they're hoping you don't realize it as society collapses. . .

. . . then they'll blame you for not doing enough to stop it.

Its not education itself.
But male education for women.
Women need girl education.
Where they learn slice of life anime behavior.

@special-boy sure, that's why things like elementary school, middle school, and high school used to mean something.

Elementary school was for basic shit so you could function in society.

Most people didn't go to school if they worked in blue-collar industries. They got jobs right out of Middle School.

College was only for doctors and lawyers.

@Tfmonkey @special-boy
> Collge was only for doctors and lawyers
This. American magnates like Rockefeller, Carnegie, Jp Morgan and Vanderbilt never attended College. They learned on the job

@special-boy @Tfmonkey its education which leads to employment and a “career” causing her to put off childbearing
@suquili @special-boy @Tfmonkey "i sure hope men don't realize the issues (we already have)
cuz what they'll do about it is scary :O (we will be doing those things sooner or later whether we want to or not)

it's just how it is innit? i never wanted to live in a collapsing empire, but that's sure where i am. and what i'll be forced to do if things get bad? well i never wanted to do those things either, but i ain't done here till God decides i am so that's how it's gotta be.
@Tfmonkey >woman eats from tree of knowledge
>ruins Eden

Man, even God is doing lazy reboots now!
@Eleutheria2 @Tfmonkey Ackshually friend they're just rebooting ancient wisdom. The Bible told us first.
@Tfmonkey That's a sleight of hand, a deception aimed to create a false moral dilemma between the survival of your people and the dignity of women.

Not education is the problem, but progressive liberal values. Both in the medieval Eastern Roman Empire and in medieval Japan literacy was widespread and yet there were no such issues prompted by female misbehavior. Not educating women is the issue, but liberal progressive egalitarian values (equal rights women, feminism, etc.).

Speaking of Japan. See how the introduction of progressive liberal values by the American occupation in post-war Japan sent Japan on a death spiral that is still ongoing.
@irie_new @Tfmonkey thing is, birthrates are dropping harder on shitskin countries than in the west, in the west its mostly oscilated from 2 and 2.something into 1 from 1950 to today and its stable, look at countries like syria where in 20 years its dropped from something like 6 to 2 and FALLING

for all the alarm cries certain people make and the "Third Worlders are harder to control"/"Masculine Islam" psyop, shitskins are extremely vulnerable to the ZOG, they are the ones that are hit hardest by Fentanyl, cocaine and drugs in general, most of them (if not all of them) require welfare to live as they don´t work or work under the hood and not pay taxes, Africa has an AIDS epidemic every other day and cannot subsist without gibs, the best example of this is Haiti...

it really is a white world, and we are all just living in it, and if whites ever cease to exist, shitskins and kikes are falling right behind into extinction just like they starve to death and get aids in Haiti
@irie_new @Tfmonkey libtards/progressives are extremely arrogant about their values. to them their ideas are undeniable truisms that all intelligent people believe. if you go through the education system and come out disagreeing, sorry, you’re not actually educated then, there’s some unresolved trauma or sexual frustration that’s causing you to adopt unhealthy views. no self reflection at all.

similarly allowing homos and trannies to “be themselves” and letting browns invade the country aren’t political questions and are a matter a basic human rights not up to scrutiny. thats always their excuse with woke games or movies. they deny it’s “political” at all

@irie_new @Tfmonkey part of those progressive liberal tenants has to include higher education for all women, especially in the form of separating woman from man (becoming 'independent'), and woman to the state (becoming statists). TFM is still right, you're just acting like the feminist moderates that TFM talks about who'll defend the sanctity of women's rights meanwhile fertility rates will continue to plummet and 'patriarchal' immigrants will replace us all.

@Tfmonkey Women not acting like cartoon villains challenge.
These bitches will complain about corporate greed then say "I hope no one notices me learning to read is contributing to the downfall of mankind."
As they bring in foreign armies to massacre the men they made weak.

@themodernstoic If the men were made weak by women, then it's only because their fathers allowed it. And even then, I don't buy that excuse at all. Men became weak because they bent the knee one too many times. The brave and strong who didn't submit to the government were hunted down and either killed or jailed. Weak men rose to power, not because of women (not at first anyway), but because of their sheer numbers and technological advancements, the strong individualists just couldn't compete.

@Tfmonkey If you take this at face value, you get the redditor "having children makes you an idiot" take. What the neglect is what the actual "education" is, which is liberalism, which heavily supports anti-natalism. College has ruined countless womens lives, all for the "public toilet to single catmom" timeline
@Tfmonkey women exist to be bred and all their instincts stem from that.
This is true to a certain point. Women being pushed from birth to become doctors and other PHDs, yes.
But the vast majority of jobs and education for women doesn't do this, for instance there's still plenty of CNAs who have kids because the training isn't a decade

@Tfmonkey They're only a problem if you don't want this sick society to collapse. If on the other hand, you want to promote the disease, then sure, take their rights away so we can have more normies and more people on a planet that doesn't have enough space and resources for them.

Women are just a symptom of the problem. Who is enforcing the tyranny and "just following orders"? Is it the women, the Jews, the welfare sponges, OR is it just your average schmuck? Who's really the problem?

@Tfmonkey The ((( UN))) Even admitted a 'peaceful' way to lower birth rate was extending education period and abortion
@Tfmonkey State Society must collapse for any real change

The ((( RIGHT ))) is too fucking weak to have the balls to round up Africans and ship them back to africa , round up all jews and jail them and shoot all the traitors after a trail


I do not think educating females is causing the decline in birth rates

I think educating females in gender studies that is embedded in social sciences is causing the decline in birth rates & the social sciences are required for high school, elementary school & all college majors even engineering

The more education they have the more of these social science courses they complete

I think if women were educated in midwifery that would not lower the birth rate

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