I've found that most racists, sexist, whatever-phobes don't actually hate people for being people, they hate shitty people who do shitty things that are completely understandable to hate them for.

It's just that a lot of shitty people aren't white men.

@Tfmonkey Ive learned that many people who are racist/sexist/ect arent just basing their feelings off of a few examples here and there but on the genuine feelings and actions of the vast majority of that group and choose to judge the vast majority for the actions of the vast majority.

Ive also learned that people who are NOT racist/sexist/ect are basing their view of the majority of groups on rare and few minorities of that group, the "good" ones

@ItsSkyDragonz @Tfmonkey This is true my dad was like this, he was only racist insofar that he had a very extremely negative experience with another race of people at one point in his life (don't want to get into specifics), and now just sees any evidence that puts down or shows their "inferiority" as justification for his racism. Fair play to him though, because he admits he's racist on that level.

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