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@ButtWorldsMan It is unfortunate for Russia because this will allow NATO to regroup and perhaps attack the nuclear power plant as Russia is distracted.

You have to hand it to NATO for really leaning into being the bad guy.

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@ButtWorldsMan Yes, his recent statements about Ukraine winning and Russia abandoning the troops can now be seen for what they were.

The Wagner Heresy was phase 2 of the counter offensive.

Purge the Heretics. Show no mercy.

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Here is my monkey hunch on what's going on with Wagner in Russia, just to put it on the record in case I'm right when the dust settles.

Wagner were bought off by NATO, and there was a pre-existing plan for Wagner to launch a coup against Putin when Russia was on the backfoot.

However, with the counteroffensive failed, but the US unwilling to take the "L" on anything, they activated the Wagner coup in desperation.

They have another coup planned for Belarus if you think this is farfetched

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The soldiers who have been fighting alongside Wagner are understandably confused, and this whole event shows the danger of relying on mercenaries in a war.

Sadly, Putin has to utterly crush Wagner now. A traitor is worse than an enemy.

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>el salvador is the safest country in latin america
>eight days without murders
>2022 was the safest year of el salvadors history
>violence down 85%
that is absolutely INSANE
hell even if there happens to be one or two that are not reported due to happening in some really isolated area

the areas where the government of this country can reach are indeed safe

i wish i had a president like this
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"Remember the little white girl who was on video having cigarettes put out on her & bullied by foreign girls? Of course you don't because if the roles were reversed it'd be international news. Anyway, she was just killed."
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@Terry @apropos England is so fucked atm the indian immigrants are the ones wanting to lessen immigration most
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