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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Watching crowder followup.

Video removed from youtube. Manifesto removed from "all major social media platforms" with the exception of twitter. Recall that big tech is just another obedient arm of the government. Media screeched and seethed about what crowder did. However, no one refuted the authenticity of the pages. Not the cops or the mayor, who "launched an investigation."

We can now consider these trannyfesto images officially confirmed.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Timothy Poole just talking about the cops refusing to confirm. Then pulls up the wiki article for the shooting. It's the cops that called it a manifesto. The local FBI said it was a journal which detailed plans to shoot shit up.

Oh, so exactly what we saw today. All signs point to this being legit.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic UPDATE:
Alex Jones, who is now business partners with Crowder, claims the source of the trannyfesto images is the local police. The cops are pissed off by government coverup and we now have the first 3 pages.

Claims there are even more pages in the trannyfesto. It's not over.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic Let's not forget how this was initially covered when the shooting happened. Leftists were on the side of the terrorist shooting children. Media were treating this with kid gloves. The cops were condemned for airing out the terorrist troon by activist scum. No wonder they wanted to cover up a blatant politically motivated shooting. It's terrorism by definition.

This trannyfesto makes all the terrorist troon protectors look even worse than they did in the moment.

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@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
Watching him live now. So this investigation is being crowdfunded by mug club so Crowder's business is dependent on this being real.

His people got in touch with someone who has access. They showed him original text messages. He had the images reverse image searched. Claims he checked this thoroughly. This is currently trending on twitter.

Based on the images there's clearly more in the notebook than was shown. Maybe unrelated to murder fantasies.

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Here's the trannyfesto. @Tfmonkey

@VooDooMedic you'll be interested to know that the tranny was specifically trying to kill white people. White kids. Now after reading this go find the police cam video and watch that again. Took the 2 minutes to locate and riddle the troon scum with bullets.

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A "leak." Otherwise, we would've never seen it.

We finally have the trannyfesto.

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Israel is the hill the Cathedral is going to die on. There are rumors that Biden is going to go to war with the Middle East and institute a draft to defend Israel.

My cheeks hurt from how wide I'm smiling.

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Watching the Cathedral brutally crack down on Leftist pro-Palestinian protests, and even create a "no-hire list" for college Marxists who spoke out against Israel, when combined with the full throated support the Cathedral is throwing behind Israel, even threatening pre-emptive strikes against Iran and causing WW3, leaves me to conclude that it is, in fact, the Jews.

I can arrive at no other conclusion given the facts and behaviors that I'm seeing. No other hypothesis makes sense.

I was wrong.

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The Nazis aren't wrong that the Palestinians will be imported into Western countries and weaponized against the native population if they don't push Israel's shit in.

Also, due to this conflict, the FBI are (once again) more worried about Islamic terrorist instead of Trump supporters, at least for now.

The enemy of my enemy isn't necessarily my friend, but I certainly hope they fuck my enemy's shit up while I sit back and watch from a distance.

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I would like to see the Right stop worshipping cops and the military.

For those who still have access to the mainstream, see if you can spread the idea that the Right needs to drop the "back the blue" and "thank you for your service" shit until the cops/military stop "following orders".

All the laws the government passes are just letters to Santa Claus without the police and military to enforce them.

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