Twitter bombshell just dropped. Thread is incredibly fucking long. So I’m just going to drop the link here for anyone interested to have a look. @Tfmonkey tl;dr government specifically the DNC was pressuring twitter to ban people & control narrative. I know that was very shocking. Nobody could’ve possibly seen it coming. But it’s honestly good all the evidence & receipts are out in the open. No that it’ll change anything. But at least we know we’re not crazy.

@Tfmonkey honestly I’m impressed with Elon here. He’s going to get assassinated real soon but he actually had the balls to do shit real shit. Regardless of everything else this was some alpha shit.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey
James Woods has said he's going to sue the shit out of the DNC.

Good. And I hope others do too. And the cherry on the top is when we find out that Killary is behind it all.

@Tfmonkey @Pain66
I don't care. I just care that people do it, because when they try it breaks the pattern and puts them on the backfoot.

And then more people do similar stuff. Like I said, courage and cowardice alike are contageous.

Right now, patterns are being broken and people are catching courage. Not gonna piss on that.

@Pain66 @Tfmonkey
Also Matt Taibbi has been on fire recently. He and Douglas Murray won a Munk debate the other day that argued the MSM are a bunch of lying cunts. Audience agreed.

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