@Pain66 lol
>delusional old broads thinking they've still got pussy currency
@dictatordave @Pain66 cept my gramma, she was a saint
but she also never said stupid shit while she was alive, even after she got dementia
@dictatordave @Pain66 also, what 20 year old dude is gonna wanna look at that leathery mug
@givenup @Pain66 probably not even an incel

there are plenty of fat 3's that'd put out
@givenup @Pain66 oh, my man, have you not seen jim's excellent video? its hilarious
its where the '3000 rejections' sound bite comes from
@givenup @Pain66 these losers are straight up walking memes, fedoras and lisps and all
@dictatordave @Pain66 yea but he chose to do all the things that make him rejected
@givenup @Pain66 yea that guy in particular seems like an asshole, and a closeted faggot

@dictatordave @Pain66 @givenup

Women live longer than men on average

Marry a rich man when you are young and get widow money to marry a young poor man when you are old & rich

Muhammad married a woman older than him which I believe resulted in him having financial connections and then being able to start his own religion and get younger women

@Pain66 women who molest underage boys are called "dream makers", why are you surprised?

@Tfmonkey I was stubborn enough to expect consistency from normies.

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