@Pain66 - a very effective means of destroying families.

Simply because I think right & wrong should be able to be articulated to be true, I sometimes ask myself: "why is fucking minors wrong?" And I don't doubt that it is here, but I want to get to the why of it.

If females are made for fucking, if that's generally the only worth that they will ever have, then what does it matter when it happens? 🤔

And I think it's because ideally, they should only fuck one man - their husband. ➡️

@Pain66 - ➡️ So, by making whores of them before they even grow tits... They are deprived of that future as a wife and mother. And a man is deprived of a good wife when she comes of age. One more family is never created.

If you wish to destroy families, and therefore society... It's hard to think of something more effective than legalizing the fucking of children.


And Catholics do not forget Catholics

"Persons, for instance, within the fourth degree of kindred, a boy before his fourteenth year, and a female before her twelfth, the ages established by law, cannot contract marriage."

Catechism of the Council of Trent


Also the Catholic age of marriage is much older than in Judaism



I oppose posting illegal videos on forums but

Owning videos should be legal because it prevents the government from being able to plant those videos on people and then prosecuting them for possession of videos that the government planted

If the activities in the video are illegal then people can find out who the guilty party is by watching the video and prosecute them


A lot of politicians could be exposed committing crimes by legalizing the distribution of videos showing politicians having committed crimes

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