
Man they’re coping hard out here….. the poor females.

@Brianhere Okay but the satire is meant to illustrate a point.

looks matter but so does game, money etc.

if this dude struggles to get pussy it's because he's missing something other than looks.

in fact whenever somebody is this fit it is usually a sign they aren't good with women because if they were they wouldn't need to be fit. it's the same as how 5'6" manlets are usually the most jacked in the gym - because they need it the most.

at some point it becomes counter-productive to where if you're obviously obsessed with fitness women will pass you by because they will assume you're struggling and therefore not worth their time.

if you want to get gym bunny pussy you need to be the guy who comes to the gym to have a good time, not the guy who is there with a notebook keeping track of his progress like a faggot.

@Pain66 I remember that study. It seems to check out until you ask what age the mother is.

In western societies, large age gaps are taboo, so the father's age is a proxy variable for the mother's age. 55 year old fathers are mostly having children with 35 year old women, not 19 year olds.

So it's really just an exercise in academic gymnastics to report what we already know, but put the blame on men.

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