@MrpoopyButhole clubomer.vingian
@MrpoopyButhole clubovingian.mer
@Tfmonkey does anyone remember the scene from the first kill bill where it shows the girl in training at the kung fu temple screaming yes and no in chinese? The Leten company should release a model with that as the noise module.
@Tfmonkey i don't want klaus schwab to thanos snap me!
Talking to my buddy who is a naval intel officer and he sent me this. I was asking him why the west was losing so bad when he had been telling me over and over, through many cathedral bloopers that the west "had it in the bag". Does this mean they are planning on sharing with palestine in a new "Kingdom of Jerusalem"? often times he can't tell me things explicitly, but will send suggestive shit like this, just not sure how to interpret this one.
This could be groundbreaking Pharma technology right here.
@Islamisright you sound excited about that. Are you excited about that big boy?
Just a lonely day trader.