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I love how the HPV warts on the black pussy make it look like a picture of distant galaxies, far off in the universe, at random positions, and random pitches. Nightmare Juice.

instead of having time zones, in the future, we should just use one global time, and then you would be awake during the time of day allowed by your social people would get the most desirable shifts, and other folk would be awake during the night. thats how we could do a time caste system once and for all!

i still think the next pandemic released might kill everyone who hasn't had their DNA altered by the jab. They only wanted to keep you alive if you were down with their population limiting shot to begin with.

Im going to get a Meta Quest 3, and use it as a way to play Piano out on the sidewalk as easily as folks busk with a guitar.

Can't wait to have sex with my gf for the first time in several months. She will be getting out of the sanitarium this wednesday.

I was reading a finance book from the late 1920's, and the guy talking about the markets during that era was using the same phrase as TFM...."Cocksure" to describe the bankers, investors, and traders of the day.

Aboriginal Behemoth Cockflay "ABC"
The Abbo version of BBC.

Was at an AA meeting in Sydney Australia....found this are telling me the whites mix with the abbos? what do they have down under ABC's ? Is ABC the Abbo equivalent of BBC??!!

Was at an AA meeting in Sydney Australia....found this are telling me the whites mix with the abbos? what do they have down under ABC's ? Is ABC the Abbo equivalent of BBC??!!

If you have doxxed yourself to any sites on the dark corners of the web like Odyssey, you should go back and start deleting accounts now, well, delete any payment info first and replace it with phony shit, preferably stuff that will lead to a stranger....hopefully by the time the ADL buys it by force they will have replaced computer equipment and thrown out old file archives.

im going to try and dress up everything i say as though it were being said by gandalf, make it look really banal like garden gnome shit....i will dress my propaganda up like this, not mean looking mega death warpig shit. They only ban the cool looking guns.

@Tfmonkey this week on the morning constitutional you were talking about something where congress had made it illegal to say anything bad about Israel genociding palestinians, or saying anything about zionism.....but there isn't an article linked on what the fuck is going on here exactly?

During the american revolutionary war, the soldier and writer Thomas Paine released several manifesto pamphlets that inspired the rebel colonists in dark times....some may even argue that the war may not have persevered if it weren't for his campaign to spread "powerful ideas from the european enlightenment " and hope to the soldiers of the american forces.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.