
For all those complaining about car centered design in the US, the root cause of it is the avoidance of niggers. No one wants to take public transit or live downtown if it's full of niggers. Fix that before you start hating on parking lots, suburban sprawl, and highway expansion.

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@RegalBeagle I theorize that much of the suburban expansion was motivated by Cold War fears of nuclear war, with spread out cities being done in effort to reduce death per location bombed.

Regardless of whether that theory has merit, you are correct that we are not going to be able to change city designs to be less car centric with our low trust society. Many shills for "walkable cities" simply ignore the critical component of high trust (and most often homogeneous) population first.

@RegalBeagle what? There is a shitload of land for rugged individuals. Niggers used to be property. But no can't have nice things (not the niggers).


If you can avoid owning a car and rent instead of paying mortgage on a house that you will additionally pay property tax on then you can live on less income and do not need as strict job requirements

Having less strict job requirements increases the possibility of living in a neighborhood where you do not need to own a car nor bus to get to work or where you can possibly retire and never drive again since you need less money to retire without a car or property tax scam house

@shortstories The kikes' system is designed to keep you living hand to mouth. When you're out of debt, you're free.

@Zergling_man @shortstories If you're scoping out my camper, yes. If not, no. I like tangible assets, not 1s and 0s in a database.

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