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How come conservatives hate trans rights so much when the average neoconservative boomer has such a full belly and supple round breasts? Maybe dont show up looking like a fertility goddess in khakis and I'll take your argument seriously.

If conservatives love traditional marriage so much how come all the conservative women look like a dried up shamwow covered in clown makeup? Maybe dont show up looking like you dont pass.

@RegalBeagle DEI over meritocracy. it was inevitable. USSR collapsed for the same reason, incompetent people on important places, loyal to the cause but damaging to the entire society with their lack of skill to handle the job.

Possibly the weirdest thing about agile is watching it slowly fall apart.

At first the scrum is 15 minutes standing, then sitting, then 30 minutes, and eventually it becomes indistinguishable from just another meeting on your calendar. You're doing demos in them, your planning outage resolution, you're explaining architecture. Its pretty wild.

At first you're working on the sprint, then managers pull you out for an outage once, then a deliverable, and finally your stories and tasks span 4 sprints and nobody cares anymore. You're just doing jira with a bunch of prescriptive steps.

@Nimbius666 Get into remote work so at least you can flog the dolphin while you waste 3 hours in the daily integration meeting

@binkle Power through. God's testing your shitposting determination

@Bad_Banner I think the BRICS+ / SCO COMEX alternative will kick inflation into overdrive. I don't know if the dollar will survive, but anyone with the means to leave the country will. It's gonna get Venezuelan up in here

@teto Who bothers being sane on the asshole of the internet?

@Bad_Banner Wouldn't matter. They're all going to flee to BRICS+ anyways once the dollar implodes

@amerika You gotta get away from niggers, gypsies, and pajeet. Once you do that, community is pretty nice

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.