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so Maduro won with 51%? lmfao

cmon Americas let's update the script, too repetitive
can i just have lower taxes
i dont care what nigger wants to call themselves king of shit mountain

@shortstories When the VAIDs kicks in, I'll bet the military will hold medication over soldiers' heads to get them to re-enlist. It's already that way if you get divorced while you're in.

@Justicar The Rambo series kicks off with homeless veteran abuse, by shitty cops no less. I'm slow. It took me a while to figure out that I had been lied to when I signed up. I try to talk people out of joining/re-enlisting, but the propaganda is thick

@RegalBeagle as an outsider, how usa treated its veterans never made any sense to me. I am talking past decades, not recently. Like a homeless vet was a thing in usa since at least vietnam and was normalized in tv, movies and press.

All my Army buddies under E-4 are being advised by command on how to get foodstamps, yet we can shovel billions into Israel and Ukraine. Why 'defend' an empire that hates you?

women are retarded and need to be treated as such

@professionalbigot69 If I cared, I may have noticed we moved on from apathy

@Justicar A talent hires A talent. B talent hires C talent. The death-spiral begins

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A club for red-pilled exiles.