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We do not have to forbid women from being employed to fix the birth rate

We just have to allow men to refuse to employ women

This is not a violation of rights, this is exercising the right to hire who you want

@ButtWorldsMan I super can't be super-fucked to super-care about supersized superheros.

@doonxib After the hyperinflation kicks in I plan on starting a harem.

Rare case of a dev that isn't a cuckold, no idea if his game is good or not but this whole event has made me consider giving it a try sometime.

@doonxib I'll get on that right after the US government fucks off with the male enslavement agenda.

If Wakandans were real they'd call you nigger too.

@neko You forgot to change the logo to Raytheon for the last one, lol.

@NothingToSeeHere The US does the same, it's just the Chinese don't own the media in the US.

@RegalBeagle stop caring. Your life is improved. You're welcome.

I'm getting tired of jumping between the 'nothing ever happens' and 'it's happening, fam' trains.

i just want to say
if you use sandbags with handles
you're a fucking faggot
straight up, you're gay, nigger
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.