@RealRaul Grillfiend >> grillfriend
@freepatriot And they'll make tiktoks about it the whole drive there.
@Diogenese_Shiplap I think it has something to do with wearing a tailored suit while not being a fatbody.
@Justicar Of all the problems the Middle East and Africa have, autism is not one of them. So is it vaccines, women having children early, or both?
@jb @Scot_Paladin Once upon a time traitors were hanged until dead. We have to go back, Marty!
@luckytran Not even the Dominicans want Haitians in their country and they're each others' only neighbors.
@binkle I am but a filthy webdev, so I trust your judgement.
@binkle I'd play a sad trombone, but I'm a dog.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.