@icedquinn Dieting sucks ass. I personally found fasting to be much easier.
@c Looks like the next build is gonna be AMD powered.
@Bad_Banner @TrevorGoodchild Sad to hear that. I used to watch his stuff a few years ago, but haven't kept up with him. After the adpocalypse, I figured anyone still on Youtube was either censoring themselves or controlled so I switched to Bitchute.
@Bad_Banner Ah, the classic confused internet butthurt. A tale as old as time.
@Bad_Banner Story time?
@PNS I hope those pegs don't rust. Saliva & semen aren't long term lubricants.
@are0h I think you're in the wrong corner of the internet. No one called the Nasty Girls back during the 'Summer of Love' where blacks burned down their towns and cities; they needed space to rage or whatever bullshit talking points 'black leaders' squirted out.
@DNutzinski @LostShakerOfSalt Doing the Lord's work; thank you.
@apropos Roasties are why we can't have nice things.
@LouisConde I like this idea.
@PNS Even @nice-nigger?
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.