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@deprecated_ii Ripping the pin out of a grenade with your teeth is a great way to fuck your teeth up. Those little suckers are really in there.

>Imagine spending all that time deconstructing the mental illnesses of cunts so you can learn how to better "play their game". Why the fuck would I care what is going on in some dumb whores empty skull? I quite literally don't give a fuck what they are thinking


this is such a great example of a society, it's not even funny how accurate it is. you simply cannot have a democratic society be successful. it will inevitably destroy itself.

@shortstories Both, I'm sure. Realistically, we pay for it through all our foreign aid.

There is an entire industry around editing Wikipedia articles on behalf of governments and corporations.

@transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Trump appears to be controlled at least in part. If selected, it's only to get whites to rejoin the military and die for ZOG. The economy may improve insomuch as it can before our debt and inflation blow up the dollar.

Harris is clearly controlled, and she would continue the degradation of the military. The fake and gay economy will get more fake and gay until it collapses.

There's no winning move.

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Show me what you value more than freedom and I'll show you the chains of your enslavement. May your chains rest lightly upon you, friend.

@DEERBLOOD @transgrammaractivist @doctorsex @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro Working in their favor is the establishment is delaying the collapse. I don't think that even if Trump is selected the deep state will allow a collapse. They can't win a 3 front war with the economy in shambles. I have little to lose and would rather things kick off while I've got my health than waiting for years.

@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @DEERBLOOD @jimmybuffettfanaccount @sickburnbro There's no turning this thing around. It's just a matter of how fast we hit the wall. When the dollar collapses it's going to be biblical.

@Gran3Walder You can say 'nigger' here. That's the beauty of the Fedi.

@dictatordave @cowanon Makes perfect sense, really. What do young whites have to look forward to? Their families are destroyed; they're taxed to pay for all the shitskins and boomer welfare; they're going to be drafted to fight for ZOG. I can't really blame them for emulating pavement apes and chimping out while society burns.

An online service is scraping Discord servers en masse, archiving and tracking users’ messages and activity across servers including what voice channels they join, and then selling access to that data for as little as $5.

@MummaBear Coconut and olive. Seed oils usually have stabilizers added to them.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.