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You would be surprised. Most people are basically cripples thanks to the death of handwriting. A surgeon I know who teaches at a medical college says that most if not all of his students lack the fine motor control to cut cleanly and accurately, so he's having them do wrist and hand exercises so they can actually complete the practicals in the course

@Alex_Fog @CaptainButthurt @Evil_Bender The only OTP app I use is FreeOTP+. If your OTP is proprietary and I needs a custom app that requires Google Play Services to run, you can get fucked. No Google on my phone. Also, when did companies just expect us to load company software on our personal devices? You want me to have your app, issue me a phone with it and have that in the contract.

@PNS With all political options exhausted, what options remain?

@CaptainButthurt @Evil_Bender As a software dev, I, too, maintain an adversarial relationship with the end user because they're retarded and deserve the hell I create for them.

@Diogenese_Shiplap This happens when you delete Facebook. Not having social media linked to your person is almost a form of invisibility now.

The Kikes will lose in the middle east because the 3rd Temple of Solomon has already been constructed but their hatred of whites makes them blind to the truth. Image courtesy of @matrix

@Turkleton Looks like it since he throat-fucked a whole bunch of kikes with it.

@Turkleton Pretty sure this is bullshit. If it was true, there would have been videos of arrivals in Tehran. The RUMINT I've heard is that Iran had been holding off on their attacks until RF gave them the codes for the S500s they have to prevent an Israeli response. They were given those codes a few weeks ago and that's when Iran kicked off True Promise 2.

@benzene The point of heels isn't the foot. It forces them to flex their calves constantly to make their legs look more toned. Also, heels were originally worn by men and women co-opted them.

@KaiserKitty I think they wanted to distance themselves from the furries.

@deprecated_ii As I dog, I can definitely state the tail does not lie.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.