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@placebo @pixie Troons are the only mental illness we cater to. Nobody affirms anorexics are fat or that the voices in your head are real and you should totally listen to them. Troons are special and I have yet to hear a good explanation for this.

@freepatriot There was some guy with a Komatsu D355A who did a thing in Colorado and to cover it up, they offed Regan. The offing Regan to keep Marv out of the news is my own pet conspiracy theory.

@pixie We bully the troon not because it's fun, but because it deserves it. The fun we have bullying it is coincidental.

bullying mentally ill men in dresses on this website is pure and wholesome.
@Lana trans people usually do something to get murdered usually lying to dudes or raping children.

have you tried looking in a mirror and asking what did trans people do to deserve it?

@matty The only thing worse than VS Code is Visual Studio. I miss Atom.

@ins0mniak @caekislove @djsumdog I'm fortunate in that my local library keeps the bums in line and will kick them out if they're nasty. Not all libraries are so lucky. I remember the Charlotte NC library being so bad that the restroom stalls are only 1/2 height so people can more easily report drug ODs from bums shooting up in the shitters.

Also FUCK whoever came up with the notion that libraries are "community centers" and therefore it's fine and dandy for them to be taken over by stank ass homeless bums.

@milk Thought this was going to be a coming out as Haitian post.

@sickburnbro @snow @matty We bully you because you're weak, disgusting, and deserve it. Your ancestors are ashamed at what has become of their lineage.

/*The Deco Kings*/

The walking stick has gone out of fashion, but then again so has walking. Your ancestors frown at your pudgy plump forms which are incapable of functioning how they're supposed to.
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A club for red-pilled exiles.