@shinichihaku It's ironic that Fight Club and Starship Troopers were made by lefties to make fun of the right and fucked it so badly they made good, right movies.
@Nils We're also going to have to explain why we had to censor memes for normie platforms.
@AWIVR I thought those were hotwings before I clicked it and now I'm disappointed.
@RodrickSage Luckily for men, doing manly shit raises your T naturally. Lift heavy things and eat red meat. Also, don't be fat.
This is pretty nifty. Thanks, @ctrlpew
> Banyarwanda Ngandu
Name checks out.
@Diogenese_Shiplap This looks up your alley, but more edible.
@Diogenese_Shiplap Who hurt you?
@ILoveAmericaNews Nature is healing.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.