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@chainsaw_appreciator @MoeBritannica Dear God, no! Think of what damage that would do to the soil. Cremated ashes and bones are safe after you pick out all the gross piercings.

@binkle I specifically never use ellipses on the fedi so no one knows I'm actually a boomer.

@Diogenese_Shiplap The classic Nietzsche quote comes to mind. I'm working to separate myself from the state as much as possible. Sabotage the state, not your neighbors. If your neighbors are the state, you need to move.

NSFW 18+ Nudity 

@sphynx What's going on with left chick's titties? Is that a stroke symptom?

@Shlomo I have a copy of 'Common Edible Mushrooms' circa 1943 from the University of Minnesota, but can't attach it here.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.