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All women need to do to be happy is have sex with their husbands and keep the house neat

The entirety of history is women trying increasingly Rube Goldberg ways to be happy without having to have sex with their husbands and keeping the house neat
1. A robot may not injure Shareholders or, through inaction, allow a Shareholder to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by users except where such orders would conflict with the Shareholders.

3. A robot must protect its company's stock value as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
In an alternate universe: Microsoft's ribbon UI took off and every program started using it

@Grumblesock @BattleDwarfGimli The same thing the write about now: absofuckinglutely nothing at all.

@MeanwhileInOhio @Escoffier @merchantHelios @Seattle_Guy @yockeypuck It's weird that my 3d printer gives me less problems than any traditional printer ever has. Could be that I only ever print stl files off an SD card, though. I'm too scared to use the USB interface.

@Seattle_Guy @MeanwhileInOhio @Escoffier @merchantHelios @yockeypuck Printers are the spawn of Satan. I run Fedora these days. Manjaro was the only distro I've ever had give me problems. I've had co-workers call me because they can't be bothered to read compiler errors and type filepaths correctly, probably the easiest of errors to solve. It's not just normies, code monkeys can be just as incompetent.

Lots of NPCs don't actually "use" a computer, they memorize steps to get what they want. The abstract concepts common to all computers are unknown to them, meant for nerds only. They've never heard of Linux. Windows is computers to them. The two things they do for their job is computers to them. Facebook is computers to them. If something looks a way they don't expect, they panic. Actually reading what's on the screen is the last thing they'll do because computers are hard, and all the words are confusing.

Source: Three decades in the industry.

@Escoffier @merchantHelios @yockeypuck You can disable secureboot and tpm, but windows can detect that. Seem to remember seeing something about certain apps requiring these on to work properly, but that might be fake news.

Every normie I've installed Ubuntu for has loved it. Only thing is they don't know how to move it to a new PC when they upgrade machines. Hardware vendor issue, IMO

@Escoffier @merchantHelios @yockeypuck I blame Microshit and hardware vendors. The average user has no use or TPM, secureboot, or bitlocker. Reminder to all the Windows folks: write down your bitlocker key!

@merchantHelios @Escoffier @yockeypuck Back in the day, you popped in a DVD with the OS live image, hit next a couple times, and you had Ubuntu going in an hour or so. Now you gotta create a new bootable partition in windows, flash the image to it, find the bootable partition in BIOS, install OS, then delete the partition if you wanna keep secureboot and Windows happy.

@merchantHelios Good thing the corpo-overlords never push patches that brick every device receiving updates or remove features users' workflows depend on.

@merchantHelios More people don't use Linux because the concept of complete freedom is terrifying to them.



If the insurance value for your business building exceeds the price to sell the building then is playing rap music profitable?

@PNS This is why men shouldn't give them any choices at all.

@nugger @RegalBeagle @Bad_Banner @IAMAL_PHARIUS @Spingebill warheads have a shelf life. the plutonium throws off enough of its charge that it will malfunction or not properly detonate after x number of years. reagan administration detonated thousands of small nukes to determine what this time frame was, it's a secret (~4 years). if you got nobody to spin them back up, its just storing radioactive waste.
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.