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@dwarvenallfather As soon as my ballistic phone case comes in, the noticing will resume.

@Humpleupagus @amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @dictatordave @thatbrickster That was essentially the end of the Republic. The last vestige is the Electoral College, and even that is on the way out.

@dictatordave Follow the money. Someone, somewhere, is getting a kickback. If someone wants to do something about it, find the owner of the factory they work at, the slumlord that houses them, and the sellout that shuttles them around. Then remind them that people are squishy and actions have consequences.

@amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @dictatordave @thatbrickster I agree the consolidation of federal power after the civil war was a giant mistake, but the final nail in the coffin was women's sufferage, as they immediately started voting for all the gibs.

Women should not vote. Every famous politician in history has warned us of this. Women are morally retarded and vote themselves resources over maintaining civilization every time.

@amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @thatbrickster Subpar demographics need to get good genes in them somehow. If you want to racemix, fine, but do it over there, not here.

@dictatordave @amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @thatbrickster As long as the retarded masses have no political power, I don't care what they do. The competent will design and enforce the laws and the sheep will fall in line, as sheep do.

The US founders gave us an excellent system of Republicanism and then we just gave women suffrage for some reason and fucked it all up.

@amerika @taylan @SuperDicq @thatbrickster There will always be a few stellar individuals in a demographic that can integrate with western society and as long as they're not subversive, I don't mind them(((You know who you are))).

We need to allow inferior cultures to die out instead of continuing the white man's burden of showering welfare across the developing world in an attempt to civilize everyone.

@SuperDicq @thatbrickster @amerika @taylan The Golden rule is fine and dandy, but you're still going to end up with a multi-tiered society. Some demographics are largely unable to navigate the complexities of US tax code or obtain high level certifications and licenses to advance in their careers. Some demographics are largely not even capable of navigating western social norms.

Ignoring these differences is a recipe for disaster, as we are finding.

@HenryRizzinger I want to make mini cannons now. Looks like a fun machining project.

@SuperDicq @thatbrickster @amerika @taylan If those biological differences affect IQ(and they do), how can you treat everyone the same when some groups are incapable of even understanding what that treatment would be?

One person owns all the hotels in town and many of the smaller businesses, so he already has 2/3 requirements alone. As for transportation, Mackinac is so small you can get around by bicycle so transportation is covered. The only reason it hasn't turned into a shithole is because they all leave after October at the end of the tourist season. That, and the guy who brings them over here in usually pulls from Eastern Europe and Jamaica instead of actual shitholes, like Haiti. (2/2)

Springfield, Ohio and Sylacauga, Alabama do not happen in a vacuum. This can only happen in small towns where there is one major employer, a single owner of many multi-unit housing complexes, and a local transportation company that are all willing to destroy their local community for money. It only takes these 3 actors colluding with the feds to fuck the entire town. I've seen a similar play out in Mackinac City, MI, but with seasonal workers instead of H1Bs. (1/2)

@FortyTwo At least these idiots are going to be the first ones to get cannibalized by Haitians.

@dictatordave @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson We've bought off the UN, but when the hyperinflation hits, we may not be able to keep them bought off.

If China/Russia/Iran wanted to cause chaos, they just need to take down EBT. If niggers can't get their Colt 45s and Black&Milds, they'll riot.

@dictatordave @Thickasabrick @wizardmanperson It's all fun and games until someone starts popping transformers and substations.

@SnugSmug Don't abuse the puppers, though. They're just trying to be good bois. Instead reward them when the tear the shit out of the shitskins.

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