We're quibbling on the definition of respect. A master of the craft should still respect his apprentice. The apprentice frees the master from the tedium of simple tasks to accomplish greater works, but that is no reason to look down on his apprentice. Both have their functions to perform while increasing their knowledge of the craft: the apprentice to learn from the master's example and the master to set the example and increase the overall body of knowledge by pushing his craft's limits.
@Seattle_Guy @Shlomo The Navy is losing competence as such a rapid rate, it's probably both.
@Justicar Disagree. Respect is based on competence. Competent people respect each other because they are both capable of executing independently of each other.
@rms Institutions have lost credibility after lying constantly during the Covid19 'crisis'. The default position is now anything institutional is a lie and should not be trusted.
@dictatordave I'm only buying old tech from Goodwill and straight from the Chinese mainland from here on out.
As for TSA, if I still flew I'd be more worried about my Boeing falling out of the sky because either they're terribly designed, improperly maintained, or both.
@thegreatape IT is hard. I would have thought being a troon would help you if you're in the West.
If you're barking up the fedi tree, you're gonna wanna cut the troon shit out. No one here wants to bring your mental illness into their workplace.
@Fullmetal2255 This picture needs a trigger warning.
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.