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@PNS Jesus fuck, how dull is that knife? Troons can't even maintain cutlery.

@Shadowman311 I read that as 'timcest' and it kinda still works.

The White race - for AT LEAST 1000 years, has fucked up immensely by the things its put worth in. It doesn’t seem like it, but that word - worth - has a lot of power.
We‘ve put value in the most jewy shit & allowed the things that are inherently White to fall away. It’s why we’re in the mess we’re in.

We’ve allowed ourselves to believe that only the tangible has worth; the entire “think about the GDP” argument stems from this.
Nevermind the fact that the intangible has declined in such a way that our every day lives are more miserable than ever.

The only things of value, worth that is beyond all the money in the world, that it transforms life as we know it are our people, our family, our homeland.
@lovelymiss @RegalBeagle @ILoveAmericaNews both of you remember that insurance is just another banking sector, so blanket total banker death will do

throw the lawyers in with them too and things are pretty well solved

@lovelymiss @ILoveAmericaNews Don''t lose track of the final boss: the government. The government, a la the Affordable Care Act, is the reason health costs have exploded. While insurance is a giant scam, it's the government that tried to force you to buy it at gunpoint.

SOME OF YOU seem to have a problem with anatomy. This probably stems from never having seen (in real life or in pictures) yourself or anyone else naked. As a Public Service, Shiplap Industries is putting out a series of simple diagrams to show the difference between men and women...

@Diogenese_Shiplap Also, only niggers use watts as a measure of illumination. The watt is a unit of power, the lumen is a unit of illumination. If you buy a 40w LED bulb and expect it to have a warm glow, you're gonna have a bad time.

@judgedread They don't but that's also some of their utility. Because it's understanding is non-human, it's solutions to problems are alien to us. Chess engines like AlphaZero are a good example of this(Stockfish I don't think uses AI currently).

I predict AI will be most disruptive in creative areas as its solutions to problems, when viable, are usually extremely left field and cause the humans in that field to reconsider previous assumptions.

@Diogenese_Shiplap 'Long lasting light bulbs' are simply lower watt incandescent light bulbs designed to be used where changing bulbs is inconvenient, like inside your oven. Incandescents burn out because when on the tungsten filament gets hot enough to sublimate and condense on the sides of the bulb. Eventually enough tungsten sublimates to break the filament and the bulb no longer functions. The lumen to power curve gets better the hotter the bulbs run, but lifespan decreases accordingly.

@judgedread That's what they're after, but anyone who knows anything about current AI will tell you they hallucinate far too often to be trusted with important tasks unsupervised. I suspect some of this is because woke AI is not modeled on reality, so its answers are not applicable to reality.

Non-western AI is not woke and may actually be a threat. I don't know enough about the status of Russian/Iranian/Chinese AI to say for sure, though.

@judgedread It also has the full support of the government. If the AI bubble pops, the economy pops. Never before has the government cooked the books to keep a bubble alive.

My daughter called me on the way over to my house the night before last. She said those dreaded words no dad wants to hear, "Dad, I'm scared." Then, she added, "There is a drone following me." I met her outside, and there was a fucking drone following her. It just fucking sat there hovering after she parked. I signaled that there was a fire in the rear of the aircraft toward the drone. That thing peeled off in an instant. Not a lot of people understand aviation hand and arm signals. The fag operating that drone understood. There is the answer to the drone bullshit. It's our fucking government doing the voodoo that they do for the jew.
That feeling that the entire internet is a Bad Thing keeps coming back stronger each day. Like the guy who raves about not being able to find anything and why isn't the whole thing like a huge encyclopedia where when you look for something you actually find it instead of endless misdirections. Heh... That's pretty much what it was supposed to be, but jews... Once a thing is infested with jews it rots rapidly from within and everything costs a shekel now.

I think it's funny how we never had female school shooters until they started roiding women with testosterone who identified as men.

I get why the government wants to promote effeminate men and cut boys dicks off, but transmen are becoming a real menace.

They have all the violent tendencies of men without the IQ or second order thinking of men.

Congratulations, you've recreated black people.

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