
how can we keep letting woman have all the power of reproduction when, their own menstrual cycle is like the fucking seasons...

just when you think you understand it, BOOM, it changed, how can we even believe woman when they tell us " i got my period. "...

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@Zerglingman @RodrickSage That thread is a whole lot of cope to avoid admitting feminism and the West as it is today have ruined both men and women.

@anonymous @RodrickSage And you expect women to fix themselves?
No, it is up to men to do the job for both sexes, because that is what men are built for. Women will fix themselves when men condemn broken women.

@Zerglingman @RodrickSage I suppose I fundamentally disagree they hold no responsibility whatsoever. To be more accurate, they are allowing the benefits they get without accepting responsibility for their actions.

They wanted it, they got it. And when the house collapses around them because they didn’t know what the fuck they are doing, just that there’s a free house involved, don’t then turn it back around on me. I’ve been telling these dumb sluts to shape up basically my whole life and none of them fucking listened to me.

My animus is warranted and no smugposting faggot on 4chins is going to change that.

34 Now Rachel had taken the household gods and put them inside her camel’s saddle and was sitting on them. Laban searched through everything in the tent but found nothing.

35 Rachel said to her father, “Don’t be angry, my lord, that I cannot stand up in your presence; I’m having my period.” So he searched but could not find the household gods.

Story about a woman who lied & said she was on her period so they would not search a location for stolen goods?

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