
am sorry but, the US thinks they are the smart ones but, European people live better lives then Americans.

Sure, they pay more in taxes but, even eating at a fast-food joint, it's like going to a restaurant, with their plastic cups and shit.

A month of vacation, unlimited sick days and free healthcare. sure, you can own a car but, why? you can walk, is America so lazy, they think walking as tyranny?

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@RodrickSage youve obviously never been to America, it's too big to go without a car, it can take ten hours of driving to cross one state

@LysanderMooner by design to promote cars and oil cuz of its connection to the dollar.

@RodrickSage I think that's more coincidental, americas geography was not designed and america didn't conquer the western territories to prop up oil

The northeast is packed In like Europe with trains but the west is too expansive

@RodrickSage I just care about spending my money how I decide, not paying for all the fat fucks here. Unfortunately, we are both being overrun by foreigners and have corrupt, corrupt governments.

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