" I am sick & tired of the whiny bitches, throwing a tantrum that a non 100% of female characters in western games are not just plastic dolls to just ogle.
There is nothing wrong with pretty female characters, but sweet fucking criminy is this the most boring artless vision to reduce female characters to. "
Western cucks when their western woman get called ugly.
They are nuking hentai sites
I hope TFM swims in this river soon, be blessed with all the shit.
Until TFM admits, he was wrong for loving Indian, il bully him.
@shortstories i want some T now.
The superior Indian gene, TFM just love it.
Come on TFM, you love the Indian people.
HD better embrace the Indian hate or, we will go after his people too.
HD had the gull to mention " how much indian hate there is. " we will forever bully monkey for loving india and the indian people.