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OMG thye are turning America into China's Twink. America made Japan their Twink, and Rome made Greece their twink.

i will admit, am not like you people, am a loser, ever since school i am a loser, never knew the good side of life. Thats why i hardly put any effort, i hardly go to the Doctor, why bother improving my health, what is there to look forward to?

I hope WW3 comes, and they drag me to it. i want to life to tell me how much it hates me, God meant people to suffer and be losers. Without us there are no winners.

God hates losers, that why he always chose winners to be his chosen.

The entire Abrahamic religions need to die, they have all replaced their god with pussy, the faithful worship Mary more then their chief deity...

" 45% of woman will be childless in 2030 " yea right, we will see a return of the cougar and they will try to get a Gen Z sucker to impregnant them.

you know, the older woman who pussy bombed the younger guy before the 2000s.

they say young people are dumb, yea they are dumb, the only way they actually learn shit if after their life gets destroyed cuz boomers thought them shit.

and why would the boomers want them to smarten up? they need them stupid to live off them.

they are turning Puerto Rico into the new Panama, non-Puerto Ricans don't have to pay taxes on their profits.

Dude, they using Puerto Rico as a gay/pedo ring.

am sorry but, the US thinks they are the smart ones but, European people live better lives then Americans.

Sure, they pay more in taxes but, even eating at a fast-food joint, it's like going to a restaurant, with their plastic cups and shit.

A month of vacation, unlimited sick days and free healthcare. sure, you can own a car but, why? you can walk, is America so lazy, they think walking as tyranny?

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.