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you know why people will do shit? we had two assassin's creed games where you played as white people both male and female, in Odyssey and in Valhalla.

but Shadows replaced a male Asian with a black guy, in a time where, THEY ARE GIFTING BREEDING VISAS TOO BLACKS AND BROWN POEPLE TO GO TO JAPAN!!! but they still have a female Asian.

tell me how they don't want to erase male Asians.

The Roman Empire world when it followed the Sith rule of two. Sure, Star Wars was created millennia ago from Rome but, they did follow a rule of two in a way, one emperor and one apprentice, Ceasar had Octavius, and Octavius had Tiberius.

White guts complain about white woman. Latinas are now complaining latino man are not like their fathers, the type to have two to three families on the side....

to point we need to tell them to fuck their dads if they want a guy like them. their fathers would have multiple accusation on their belt in today's worlds.

People saying the courts are protecting Trump with this new immunity law passed but.

He's not the one with the nuclear codes.

The road to mastery, begin with a commitment with yourself. you are just a speck of dust in the cosmos.

your one in 7 billion. one most accept that fact, you're not the chosen one, and your birth was not even planned.

onces ego was killed a long time ago, reviving the Ego is a long and hard thing, but one most have Ego to survive in this materialistic world.

Saturn, Lucifer is the god of this world, and his domain is all of the physical plain, materialism.

we most, i most learn to adapt.

SO, am seeing that, if someone accuses you of a crime, they can legally OWN the rights of your name and life?

WTF is going on. they just allowing slavery now? they using an isolated case and just passing these laws?

So, if WW3 starts and you refuse to go, the state owns the rights to your name and life and can legally kill you...

oh yes, a lot of platoons will go rogue.

The germans burned the jews aluve and used theie ashes as fertilizers... 🤣 🤣 🤣

What the fuck!

CNN just casually admitting they gave Biden the question before hand, and he still screwed up.

They really are throwing him under the rock.

So the prime minister of UK of India will santion people who do not do national service, revoke driving license and deny access to finance, just like Canada

When i dream about war, i don't want to wake up cuz, am more interesting in the dream.

one time i thought i was in the mass effect world and i had a Turian and a Krogan next to me, and another time, i was in an army, and i meet and allied army leader.

i think he was a revolutionary or something lol, then the sky turn purple and a flash of light woke me up.

all this shit its like a dream i had, i fought two wars and the people still believe the lies.

another is trying to go to a place with my family and ended up been a server cuz they turn the location into a casino.

maybe that what native Americans feel.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.