It has come to my attention that some of you guys are into goth chicks. 🤮

Are you guys into goth chicks and if so tell me why?

Personally, I don't see the appeal of girls that look depressed with no charisma that dress like they're going to a funeral every day.

Please vote and make your voice heard on this important issue.


@basedbagel For me they were in a similar mindset as I when I was in school. The "depressed" ones are Emo. Those were the girls with the giant hair that cut themselves vertically for scar visibility as the EXTRA attention whores they were.

Goth girls, back in the day, were into artistic, cool shit even if it wasn't popular. They'd sometimes dress slutty but there were also very tomboy goth girls who were down for anything without complaining that anal hurt too much. Easygoing. The Before Times.

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"there were also very tomboy goth girls who were down for anything without complaining that anal hurt too much. Easygoing. The Before Times."

I had a much longer reply in mind going in on goth chicks but you just reminded me of the beauty that was the tomboy era.

How times have changed.

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