You ever have to poo so badly at work that on the way to the restroom you start unbuttoning your SHIRT like you're about to return to monkey and get FULLY UNDRESSED to go poo in a forest, and then realize, "WTF am I doing?"

Me: Yes


@RoninGrey - as a rule, I don't #2 in public restrooms. But at my house, all clothes come off (except socks).

It's just risk mitigation. I never try to spill my drink, but sometimes it still happens. Likewise, I would never try to have the back of my shirt fall down and contact used toilet paper, and I would never try to have the back of my pants contact the underside of the bowl... 🤔 but there's a greater than 0% chance of that happening, so just remove them from the equation. 💁🏻‍♂️😅🍻

@RoninGrey - Also, if anyone should burst into the bathroom... 🤔 I can immediately launch into kung-fu shenanigans.

It's the tactical way to shit properly. Lol! 😂😂


@YoMomz If you need to be ready to fling turds at any moment, you definitely want your pants pre-off.

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