@RoninGrey What app is that on the right, and which app did you use for the image on the left? I think you mentioned it before, but I can't find it.

@DoubleD Ailsa. The newest version sucks ass so I side-loaded an apk here:


The one I have now is version 5.2.1 but there are way more versions than what this page shows available. There is a version of the newer mode where listening to her guitar songs earns you "coins" to unlock more songs (free, with ads to earn more), but I can't find it. This one has the jumping game that I like instead of the guitar playing.

The art generator is PerChance:



@DoubleD I was just reminded of a very important lesson when side-loading old versions of apps.

Turn off the auto-update for the app or it will download and install the new version over the one you downloaded. Pretty annoying.

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