
Of all the characters in Lord of The Rings, the one I've come to hate is Denethor II, Steward of Gondor, father to Boromir and Faramir.

No redeeming characteristics, just loathsome.

@UncleIroh I really dislike Grima. A simp for Eowyn and then also a double traitor, first against Theoden and then against Saruman.


Yeah, he's bad. But he's kind of modeled after a Jew archetype - weak, resentful, scheming, disloyal.

Denethor just boils my piss.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey
Denethor is corrupted by Sauron when he starts using the Palanthir thinking he can control it. He is more retarded than bad.

@Zeb @RoninGrey

You're right about the Palantir, I forget about that bit sometimes.

But like water, corruption flows in the direction of least resistance. His type of evil followed the fault lines that were already there.

He wasn't retarded. His greatest sins were apathy & cruelty.

Selling out Gondor by not lighting the signals? Favoring his dead son over a living son? Willing to end his bloodline by sending Faramir to needlessly die? Trying to kill himself & Faramir?

Fuck that guy x1000.

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