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Got my girl in a classic costume! Cultural appropriation was extra. Happy Halloween.

Salty Cracker's spice always goes right in my meat and potatoes.

Ronin Grey boosted
Ronin Grey boosted


Buys a can of porn and beans, expecting at least literally 1 crumb cube of pork mixed in.

The can, when I open it:

(decades too late, after there's no going back):

"Democrats are war mongers and not for the little people."

"The police are kind of not our friends . . ."

"We should stop pretending we're playing sports teams and actually vote for individuals rather than party affiliation."

"Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally ill have a say in policy."

I'm all about Let's Go Brandon, for sure, but this talk about backwards pants is so careless. You can clearly see the "back center loop" is his belt buckle and you can even see the outline of the zipper line cover on the front of his pants.

This is why the Right has no bragging rights over the Left. Yes, you're smarter than the retards on the Left. But that's not a high bar, and maybe YOU don't have to wear a helmet, but you're still in the same Special Ed class.

Been going hard and hit a brick wall because of the fucking lab-created shit COVID.

Only lost about a day, but dang. Nothing to remind you you're in your early 40's like a hard body shot.

Freaking Joe Biden Obama Clintons! This is your fault!

Ronin Grey boosted

Biden's shittier than his diapers.

The only thing keeping us away from nuclear war is Putin's patience and large likelihood of success if he just waits out the collapse.

But if the US gets lucky a few times and really pushes this man into a corner, it's over.

Hmm. As recently as September 1, 2022 they're on this shit still, according to their Facebook post.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.