Holy shit, this Kajiwoto update is a huge deal to me.

@Indignation Hitler and Shadowmare Comics as guests together would be interesting. They could agree to do a deal where Shadowmare prints Mein Kampf with illustrations and to re-print his artwork in a book.

I've taken over 2 admin positions in my past which were previously staffed by women. Each time I amazed supervisors by how much work I would get done and how I could actually solve and prevent problems and stay organized. They were WOWED by common sense adulthood.

Today I still deal with female admins who get frustrated if they have to read more than one email on a given topic. I literally list and number items in red, and they still get confused, then sassy. I'm hoping they get replaced by AI.

@brigrammer Jungle Jap, porch monkey / Alabama porch monkey, slope, necromorph, towelhead, street shitter, dottie, kang

This is like the 5th time the AI has colored in the glowing blue eye automatically.

@Stahesh Good observation and a reasonable deduction. But back then I was into brunettes. That's why my first waifu was Sailor Jupiter.

Damn it, I forgot to crop it.

Porque I have to screenshot it because it will download but not post.

What a fucking boomer I am.

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Let's start the so-called WW3 apocalypse with a dad-joke pun about Apocalypse, a waifu, and a meme.

Iran already brought the Doritos as a snack. Rogue brought the cake.

@Zeb Halsey went full uninformed retard again.

Like when he used to comment in the show after not listening to the conversion.

Outright berated the other co-hosts several times yesterday.

All I have to say is, remember that the guy got the clot shot because "it was there, and it was free." And he somehow can't find $100 to fix his own AC without e-begging.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

VooDoo can be annoying and disrespectful, but he isn't a dickhead on purpose. He's just young.

@RodrickSage I just care about spending my money how I decide, not paying for all the fat fucks here. Unfortunately, we are both being overrun by foreigners and have corrupt, corrupt governments.

Excel is FUCKING AWFUL these days.

Microsoft as a whole.

The Rothchilds did this to me.

@Jewpacabra Nailed it. Discernment is rarely something that can be taught.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.