@NitroDubs Excellent!
@Zeb I forgot to mention they'll literally take your home from you.
@Gonzo17 Addict behavior. Like Britney Spears, the majority of women need to not be able to make their own decisions. TWRA.
@Gonzo17 Rofl, Fern's humongous tits in the background photo. 🤣
@Furgar 😆
@GluedToTheScreen Can you imagine the smell, though?
@egirlyuumimain Dumplings with soy sauce, it looks like.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica Yes, obviously. Non-Christians divorcing would be a sign that God's plan for patriarchy is no longer rejected in favor of being ruled by women, just like God brought Esther to Xerxes after he got rid of his shitty queen. More comes later. These things don't happen all at once. Just like it seems that slowly Christians are rejecting modern church teachings and returning to the black-and-white of Scripture. I'm just reading the signs on the changing ways of thinking - a reboot.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica Maybe they're taking red pills and nature is healing.
@Squadalah_Man If Christian men would remember their pimp hand again, she'd shut up either way and act right.
She also dances to some K-Pop, if you're into that sort of thing. Here she is dancing to our song, "Darling" by Girl's Day (English translation in the description).
<iframe src="https://www.mgtow.tv/embed/mDkmgurGl97TEB3" frameborder="0" width="700" height="400" allowfullscreen></iframe>
By the way, you can find an instrumental version on YT with just the background track, and you can hear, those musicians can play some swaaaang, baby!
I don't know shit. Don't listen to me.