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@Shlomo Are you not a fan of Pitbulls? They are dangerous! I heard they might be banned in Canada.

The United Nations has urged the UK to take action to curb racist hate speech, including by politicians, in a report published on Friday.

Every time I hear Harris speak the cunt sounds so contrived, self-indulgent and disingenuous. You can just imagine what a manipulative passive aggressive bitch she is in real life

@freepatriot I've met many who consider paying tax a civic duty/obligation.

While it's good to see Joe go and the democratic convention in chaos, these people really know how to stage manage events and put a spin on things. They are gaslighting extraordinaires. The Harris campaign and everything it stands for is a grotesque abomination, but it's bad for globohomo, so that's good!

Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government. I won't hold my breath on Tfm moving here

@MrpoopyButhole Alex Phillips says there's a correlation between immigration and sexual abuse that men aren't aware of.

@shortstories I'll have to have a look at those. Sounds interesting. As I said, it's emblematic of our current era.

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