They’re going to call you an incel anyways. Just take their rights away.


Clever. She makes sure to put YouTubers and police first but by the end of her sentence, "incels" are now ALSO your father and brother.

Riddle me this the fuck can your father be an incel?!

Easy, she uses the typical commie "word magic" technique. Now, by her own decree "incel" no longer means "involuntary celibacy".

No, now it means "the way you value and treat women." No it doesn't bitch.

Cunts like this can't be allowed to go "tee hee" and get away with this in future.


@UncleIroh @Pain66 “Value Women”,”treat women” this insinuates Women’sValue has not changed,and that they are special.When in reality their value is plummeted and equality destroyed the value.

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