@basedbagel I hope you feel better suffering from the Dunning Kruger effect,is bad enough but feeling Whezzy is no Bueno.I hope you get well and increase your vitamin regimen as I have,to fight off the Bio communist attack against good peoples with holes for centers
What kind of backhanded well wishing is?
@basedbagel Not being backhanded,you never answered me on what metric you tested your I.Q.,and why You assume you are superior to your family members,I do wish you feel better just want you to check yourself before you wreck yourself,loved ones might not see things the way you do,but that doesn’t mean your I.Q. Is higher.You may see it that way but self diagnosis could be the Dunning Kruger affect
@Scubbie I see where you're coming from now.
My iQ = I'm unvaccinated
That's the only IQ test that matters.
If your IQ isn't high enough to keep you alive what good is it.
The reason why I'm clearly superior to my family members is because they threatened to kick me out over an unconstitutional vax mandate.
I still care about them as they've done alot for me.
But they chose gov propaganda over supporting their own and that's just unforgivable.
@basedbagel They are afraid,and have been lied to it,group think is a powerful weapon,trust the science…forgive them for they know not what they do,The powers that be manipulated the masses that doesn’t make you higher IQ and them low IQ it just makes them conformist
@basedbagel I understand my father is much the same way,he is brainwashed by MSNBC,I love him very much but nothing I say will change his mind he is the elder so I respect him,we are both scorpions if that means anything,and are always at each other,he try’s to use his boomer ness to tell me how to raise my children,and I use my Gen X’sness to tell him to go fuck his self,but sometimes I just let her m rant and smile