You can not have freedom of religion when the "Jewish" religion outlaws all other religions with the death penalty and enslaves all people who do not pass their test of "Jewish" ancestry ( even though Ashkenazi Jews have a counterfeit exaggerated proportion of Jewish ancestry )

The closest you can have to freedom of religion is outlawing religions like Judaism

And then letting people choose among the remaining religions that allow freedom and do not try to enslave people based on ancestry


@shortstories Religions have branches,Christianity splintered Catholic,protestant,etc. This is due to Man’s influence under nuance of interpretation,All other world religions have been infected and infiltrated with this nuance,dividing and conquering making it weaker by way of deception,subverting all-except Judaism?are there branches? Jews are bound to protect them,collectively, to make them stronger,this is how they infiltrated the Israelite clan’s and claim as God’s chosen

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