One thing I agree with feminists about is unpaid labour... for MEN
The amount of times i've:
1️⃣ Helped put something together for a woman.
2️⃣ Helped move heavy shit free of charge.
3️⃣ Serving as free AAA when her car breaks down
4️⃣ Being a bootleg therapist trying to sort out emotional issues I didn't cause.
Feel free to let me know anything I missed.
I'd love to hear all the unpaid labour you guys do everyday that goes unnoticed and unappreciated.
@basedbagel Simp
@Scubbie Why are you acting like you've never been in a relationship before? lol
Are you insinuating you wouldn't do this if your girlfriend asks you too?
@basedbagel Anything I ever did or do for a mother,sister,grandmother,daughter or wife was not done for free but out of love,if I helped a whore move I was paid in pussy
@basedbagel your question was answered by your question
You are one wild dude @Scubbie