Honestly I really don’t like when I hear boomers and gen xers talk about how easy millennials and gen z have it, when the reality is if they were to be young in this economy they would not be able to do any of the things they bragged about doing.



@I_AmTheKnight I don’t like when millennials and Gen Zers,include Gen x in with the boomers,when in reality the boomers would use us to climb the corporate ladder with no chance at advancement,at least those fuck heads are retiring and not holding you down like they did us

@Scubbie that’s fair, I don’t really have a problem with gen x, but some of the older ones do act similar to boomers in some regards.

@I_AmTheKnight @Scubbie \

Gen X >>>>> Bomers but you gotta admit at least 1/2 of Gen X is a MASSIVE pain in the ass to work with.

They do exactly to us what boomers did to them and they feel it's justified because of what they went through.


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