@Tfmonkey’s YouTube channel is popping out videos again not just sex toy reviews into my recommended feed from 4 years ago monkeynomics 101 but when I go to the channel only sex toy videos something strange with the algorithms may have unlocked your old vids for viewing again

@Scubbie they've all been deleted. Are they recommending you dead links?


@Tfmonkey maybe I went thru a wormhole and went back in time before they were deleted and somehow restored the link

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey
The synagogue is sending you back in time to mess with you man.
If you go back far enough, i wanna see you take pictures with the israelis dancing in 911.

@Zeb @Tfmonkey I hope I would remember enough of the future,if I went back to do more then just take pictures of dancing NY Jews,if movies like 12 monkeys is the way it is I will just eat a spider and end up in a Psch ward

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