People will destroy heaven to create hell simply because heaven was created by someone other than them, and the heaven they live in makes them feel inferior.


@Tfmonkey I like it when you start talking religion it gives me hope,you will believe that the CIA has been using time travel technology from demons to change our reality before you know it

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@Scubbie Actually, since you're into crazy conspiracies, I've seen evidence that the Iron Dome is bullshit. They aren't super-anti missiles, they're just regular air defense missiles along with rockets that blow up in the sky to create the impression that they are intercepting missiles and rockets.

Then they use their control of the media to memory hole any missile damage and declare that the Iron Dome makes them invincible.

See the Houthis and how it took 2 weeks to admit they sunk a ship.

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie We need void shields. The reason why space marines are even a thing in 40K is because the defensive capabilities are far greater than the offensive ones whereas in our world it is the opposite.

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie
We have the technology to capture images of far away planets, but science has yet to give us a way to record the Iron Dome doing its job.

It is hypothesized the US military has harnessed the technopathic powers of bigfoot to avoid capture of the secret military intel happening just above hundreds of thousands of civilians.

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