just saw a video where a guy was talking about russia possibly joining with iran against israel. supposedly israel hit russian base in syria and netaniahu tried to call putin about it but putin did not pick up. also supposedly iran did something today regarding testing israel and it was successful, so bigger moves might come from iran soon. no substantial news but something might be boiling...

@Justicar - So they finally hit that Russian naval base in Syria... 🤔 Last I heard, that was Russia's only foreign military base, and was seen in Russia as a source of prestige.

If Russia has any wrath to be found, that would awaken it.

@YoMomz we'll see but israel is irrelevant. ukraine is also irrelevant. everything is about brics and the summit in kazan in litte over two weeks from now. that is, in my opinion, as big as when magna carta or declaration of independence were being signed. people just don't understand the implications it will have on the geopolitical level for the next century, or more. the west is too consumed with itself and ignores what is happening outside of its bubble.


@Justicar @YoMomz Top of the agenda in global commodities trade,will be the addition of other countries to the fold of BRICS,the introduction of countries digital stable coins for exchange trading,your average American has no concept of the implications,and those that think they know haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the layers of Deception the new shiny monetary system will provide to manipulate the world

@Scubbie @YoMomz as i see it right now, the west has ruled over the east with law, patents, fiat, financial system and intangible things in general. brics will revert this back into a world of tangible trade and values. in other words, "i do not care about a piece of paper telling me you own a brick of gold. show me the brick or gtfo". or "this paper says you cannot manufacture this thing in this way without paying me off because i have invented it". that won't fly any more, imho.

@Justicar @Scubbie @YoMomz The only thing that matters is the brics commodities trade. All the rest is irrelevant, agree.

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