I'm starting to agree with you @Scubbie , brics is another type of controlled opposition to create the illusion of choice. Another summit and absolutely no discussion of the only important topic in all their agendas: a new commodity exchange.
They might as well be planning to bail out the west with this new brics money.

@VeganMGTOW @Zeb @Scubbie

"I'm starting to agree with you at Scubbie"

What did Scubbie say about Time Travel and Mushrooms again?

@shortstories @VeganMGTOW @Scubbie I don't think I'll ever agree with that part (although it hasn't been disproved yet), but his opinion about brics may be feasible given the current trends.

@Zeb @VeganMGTOW @Scubbie

I do not know what exactly Scubbie is claiming about time travel to even be able to know what I would have to test

Scubbie just mentions time travel a lot and then has not clarified Scubbie's claims about time travel further in a way that I can understand what Scubbie is trying to say about time travel

But Scubbie can explain it more if Scubbie wants to


@shortstories @Zeb @VeganMGTOW Basically Man was never meant to travel thru time as the immortals do,I believe our history has been altered by humanity that obtained this knowledge for power on earth this is the reason for "the Mandela effects" and the clown world we are experiencing,I have been down many rabbit holes in the study of this belief such as Barron and Donald Trump are the same person in a time loop,Our flesh is bound by time and good and evil but to immortals time is no barrier

@Scubbie @Zeb @VeganMGTOW

An episode of the 1950s western TV series 'Trackdown' featured a snake oil salesman named 'Trump' who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world.


Does this have anything to do with Trump time travel

@shortstories @Zeb @VeganMGTOW Altering and controlling time for power and control would need Hollywood to cover their tracks some truth has to be told for a lie to work the truth seeps thru time hence Mandela effects

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