The thing thing is tinyhats have institutional power that we simply lack that's the thing, it's good old nepotism, This Stonetoss comic as per usual explains the issue well.

@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @freepatriot "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" kind of scenario.
Without censorship their ideas won't exist, this is why they organized around every single power node and set roadblocks to prevent us from getting power back in our societies.
Removing the mad hatters from the equation would be quicker and way more resolutive than escaping further into smaller enclaves but hey....

@InvictusManeo @freepatriot @Witch_Hunter_Siegfired Power for them is banking built into their religion Halacha Laws,I just recently was made aware of the Heter Iska Loan (Ribbis) available to qualified Jews in the World,0% interest sharing profits with the banking institution of fellow Jews in partnership, unlimited Money and Power over Goyim to intact a scheme in any industry and trade truly sinister business investment for a minority to control a majority

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