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@jeffcliff @Tfmonkey @AlphaKiloPapa “classifying anyone who died of ANYTHING as a COVID death if they tested positive for COVID.” The Government monetized this to boost the fear,and spread the lie that’s the fact Jack

@sardonicsmile lot of big words used there in order too shame the lonely man,so sad not mad

@MelGibsonafter4Beers @ChairmanO15 @JoePrich And they waited him out ,Thru the generations and took control,The End

@VeganMGTOW @sardonicsmile I tried that the DMs wife wants to play and control the game the simps bring their girlfriends to play and all the silly fat girls dumb the game down, because they want to have a pet and can’t follow the plot

@sardonicsmile our third place has been infiltrated by feminist,Negros,and single moms

@PNS This is why you go to pawnshops to buy slightly used pressure washers missing O rings

Scubbie boosted

Another year passes by,but Adolf Hitler travels Thru space time with the drip he got tha Rizz

@Tfmonkey Becoming Amphibious Thru technology or going into the caves is my SHTF plan

@PNS The “Higgins Boat” design build By Andrew J Higgins,Hitler called him “The New Noah”,8,100lbs cargo in 3’ of water 36’3” long 10’10” beam,18,000 lbs displacement at 9 knots across the English Channel,4,414 Allied troops died on D Day 2501 American over 5 k wounded,Over 1500 Higgins Landing Craft used the slogan at the boat factory in New Orleans “The Guy who relaxes is helping the axis”,first assembly line to use women and blacks

Another year passes by,but Adolf Hitler travels Thru space time with the drip he got tha Rizz

@Wyliesau I’m wondering if these guys worked with the CIA to create rap music PSYOpps in the 90’s with the Beastie Boys

@nugger I DON’T GET HOW AND WHY they haven’t added more sawdust and bug parts to lower these costly expenses of both for us Goyim

@blitzed Vote em out in 2024 is a failed Ideology anyone spouting it is controlled opposition

Scubbie boosted

@eriner Is this guy making up for the Burning Man festival wash out I don’t get how this starts a revolution

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.