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Anyone else have a uncle that came back from Vietnam Nam Physically and mentally disabled happy Fourth of July the rest of you go fuck yourselves

The New movie “sound of Freedom” brings up adrenochrome .THE DARK AGES were rife with plague, fanaticism, and accusations that Jews secretly fed off the blood of children. In 2020, we too are beset with plague, rampant medical misinformation, and a persistent rumor that “global elites” torture children to harvest the chemical adrenochrome from their blood, which they then inject in order to stay healthy and young.

But I am a follower of the cult of the 12 monkeys

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Survivors will abandon the surface of the planet

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Learning to exist in your own world is freedom

Scubbie boosted

If you were 19,And FBI kicked in the door on a beautiful Sunday morning while in your boxers,with two white German Shepard’s ready to Defend in your grasp.Ordered If you let them up we are going to hurt them and then you.

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If you were 19,And FBI kicked in the door on a beautiful Sunday morning while in your boxers,with two white German Shepard’s ready to Defend in your grasp.Ordered If you let them up we are going to hurt them and then you.

Scubbie boosted
Scubbie boosted

I've been unbanned from Trovo, so that's a thing.

Dlive unbanned me recently too. I wonder what's going on.

Divine intervention had the Dr not put me on Vitamin D to heal my bones my immune system would have been dog shit.Thank you Little Baby nazi Jesus,I await your return.

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How I broke my leg,right as Covid hit and stayed home on temp disability

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.