
I've been unbanned from Trovo, so that's a thing.

Dlive unbanned me recently too. I wonder what's going on.

· · Web · 9 · 3 · 5

@Tfmonkey Youtube is allowing people to say the election was stolen now. Dlive and Trovo can eat shit. Betrayal is betrayal is betrayal.

@Tfmonkey it means, keep doing what your doing, fuck them.

@Tfmonkey It means, at least partially, that the venture capital money is drying up

@Tfmonkey You’re losing your touch. Getting less edgy I see. I’m disappointed

@Tfmonkey They're probably just looking for jobs for the newly-hired Feds to assign to, to cast a wider net.

the fact we breath the same air disgusts me oh my god


If you got unbanned from twitter i would actually sign up.

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